Lebanon: Tuesday 2nd of December 2008, Leila Karam finally surrendered to death after a long period of sickness spent in the hospital. But Leila Karam's battle was not only with sickness but also with extreme poverty especially in her last days since she had to be seriously hospitalized. She spent her last days between hospitals and her wheel chair without any money to pay for her medication.
Her need for money to survive is the reflection of Lebanon's non-existing social security programs and the neglect and abandonment we endure daily as Lebanese. This country that not only saw the diaspora of most of its youth but also the slow death of all those who have decided to stay and fight.
Leila Karam was a long-standing actress that participated in many Lebanese and Egyptian movies from the 70's and 80's. She is the younger sister of another Lebanese actress Nabila Karam. Her famous role as 'Umm Melhem' with 'Abu Melhem' (Adeeb Haddad) made her a cultural/pop icon in every Lebanese household.
But that was not enough to ensure her a proud life, esp. in her old age, in a country she has served and represented for a very long time. That country has betrayed her and many other artists like her that were left for oblivion.
Leila's story reminds me and many other Lebanese of our responsibility to our parents and elders who have no one but us. Unfortunately, we do not live in a civilized country (as they proudly declare) and certainly don't have rich resources (like oil, etc.) to bail us out. All we have is ourselves and our will to fight and live.
Finally as Leila, in one interview, said: "They don't remember us except when we are dead, that is if they do, so why should we remember them or show our admiration."
sad... so sad.
yes kio, it is really sad. Thnks for yr comment.
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