Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Wait

I am waiting for a rebirth of wonder. I am waiting for
someone to really discover me and live together the
fairytale. I am waiting for lovers and weepers to lie
down together again in a new sexual rebirth. I am
waiting for the war to stop and make the world safe
from anarchy.
I am waiting for the second coming. And I am waiting
for them to prove that God is really a woman. I am
waiting for my number to be called and I am waiting
for the meek to rebel. I am waiting for forests and
animals to reclaim the earth as theirs and I am
anxiously waiting for the secret of eternal life to be
discovered by some Lebanese bimbo.

I am waiting to set sail for happiness and I am
waiting for Alice in Wonderland to reincarnate in me
her total dream of innocence. I am certainly waiting
for the garlic bread to be served at the last supper
with a strange new appetizer. I am waiting for the
dead to rise and the living to engage in a public orgy
in worship of Bacchus.

I am waiting for the day of truth that will make all
things clear and I am waiting for retribution for what
I did to my mother. I am waiting to write my great
obituary. I am waiting for the last long ecstasy and
I am awaiting perpetually and forever a renaissance of

I am waiting.


The Observer said...

beautiful hiba, why dont you stop waiting and live the real thing of your short awarnace... before it disappears...

Arab Lady said...

sounds i'm not the only person who is waiting